
All information set out in the marketing material is provided in good faith but does not form part of or constitute an offer or contract. Dimensions, layout, design features, views, areas, images, photographs and artist’s impressions are for presentation purposes and indicative only. They are also subject to change in accordance with the contract of sale. All area calculations are based on the Property Council of Australia method of measurement guidelines and are estimates only.

Any dimensions or areas may differ from surveyed areas due to different methods of measurement. Final product may differ from that described. Furnishings are not part of the purchase price. Purchasers should check the plans and specifications included in the contract of sale carefully prior to signing the contract of sale to ensure your satisfaction of suitability of the property for your requirements.

Privacy disclosure statement and consent.

Sunkin Group is committed to protecting your privacy. We firmly believe that your personal information should be treated respectfully and confidentially and we would like to reassure you of our position on this matter. This Privacy Disclosure Statement and Consent (Privacy Statement) is provided to you to inform you of our position on privacy and your rights under the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles.

References to the words “we”, “us”, “our” and “Sunkin Group”, as the context requires, are references to Sunkin Property Group Pty Ltd ACN 635 063 820 and its related companies (including subsidiaries) whether acting collectively or alone.

Reference to “your information” in this Privacy Statement is used to mean personal information that we obtain from you.

Collection of information.

We collect and will only collect your information by lawful and fair means.

We collect and will collect your information primarily for the purpose of providing you with products and services requested by you. You agree and consent to us collecting and maintaining your information for this purpose.

Collection of your information is essential for us to service both your relationship with us and our business operations. Without your information, we may be unable to assist in providing you with our products and services.

We will not collect sensitive information, for example, information that reveals your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, or details of health, disability or sexual activity or orientation unless:

  1. You consent to the collection;
  2. The collection is required by law; or
  3. The collection is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal or equitable claim.

Use and disclusure of information.

Your information will only be used and disclosed for:

  1. The purpose for which it was collected or for a directly related purpose that you would reasonably expect from us;
  2. Improving our service to you, such as, informing you of our other activities, products, services and events;
  3. Performing our internal administration & operations including accounting, risk management, record keeping, archiving, systems development & testing & staff training;
  4. Purposes permitted, required or authorised by or under law;
  5. The enforcement of legal proceedings, where disclosure is reasonably necessary; or
  6. Any other purpose, where you have consented to its use for that purpose.

Like most business, marketing is important to Sunkin Group’s continued success. Sunkin Group has a unique range of products and services that it provides to customers at a high standard. Sunkin Group would therefore like to stay in touch with customers and let them know about new opportunities. Sunkin Group may provide you with information about new products, services and promotions. You have the right to request not to receive direct marketing material.

Your information will not be disclosed to a third party unless:

  1. You consent to the disclosure;
  2. The third party is our agent or contractor. We require our agents and contractors to keep your information confidential and to use it only for the purpose for which it was disclosed;
  3. The disclosure is permitted, required or authorised by or under law; or
  4. The disclosure is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of legal proceedings.

We usually disclose information to our appointed real estate agents, contractors and organisations from time to time as well as their team members, employees, affiliated organisations involved with us that provide credit to you, mailing houses (for newsletter distribution only), solicitors, settlement agents and any person considering acquiring or taking an interest in our business or assets. We deem you have provided us consent to disclose information to the aforesaid third party. You may withdraw your deemed consent by writing to our privacy officer.

We will not use or disclose any identifier (such as a tax file number) that has been assigned by a government agency (or by an agent or contractor of a government agency), except where required by law.

We will not transfer your information outside Australia unless we have your consent to do so.

If you supply us with personal information about another person, you agree to show them this Privacy Statement and inform the person that:

  1. We are holding personal information about that person and he or she can contact us by the means set out in this Privacy Statement;
  2. Personal information collected about that person will be used for the primary purpose set out in this Privacy Statement and that without that personal information, this purpose cannot be fulfilled;
  3. Personal information collected about that person will usually be disclosed to third party agents and contractors described in this Privacy Statement; and
  4. That person has the right to access and correct personal information we hold about him or her by the means set out in this Privacy Statement.


You may be required to have a cookie-enabled browser or digital devices to fully access our website. A cookie is a piece of data stored on your computer, mobile devices or any digital devices tied to information about you. Cookies may be used to track your internet browsing activities and the websites you have visited.

We may, for statistical, security or quality purposes, use cookies to log your internet protocol (IP) address, the date and time of your visit, the pages you have accessed and documents downloaded and/or the type of browser you were using.

Access to your information.

You may gain access to your information upon request by email, by post or by telephone:

Privacy Officer
Sunkin Property Group
Level 51, 525 Collins Street,
Melbourne 3000 VIC
Phone: 136 888

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this Privacy Statement, or how Sunkin Group handles your personal information, please contact Sunkin Group’s Privacy Officer.

We will provide you access to your requested information in a form and manner suitable to your needs, unless:

  1. Providing access would pose a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of any individual;
  2. Providing access would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of any individual;
  3. The request for access is frivolous or vexatious;
  4. The information related to an existing legal dispute between us & you, & the information would not be accessible by the process of discovery in those proceedings;
  5. Providing access would reveal our intentions in relation to negotiations with you in such a way as to prejudice those negotiations;
  6. Providing access would be unlawful;
  7. Denying access is specifically authorised by law; or
  8. Providing access would be likely to prejudice an investigation, prevention, detection or prosecution of unlawful activity or suspected unlawful activity.

Where providing access to your information would reveal evaluative information generated within Sunkin Group in connection with a commercially sensitive decision making process, we may give you an explanation for the decision, rather than direct access to the information. If we give you such an explanation and you believe that direct access to the evaluative information is necessary, we will at your request undertake a review of the decision by personnel other than the original decision maker.

Wherever access is denied, we will consider whether the use of mutually agreed intermediaries would allow sufficient access to meet the needs of both parties.

If we levy charges for providing access to your information, those charges:

  1. Will be reasonable and will not be excessive; and
  2. Will not apply to lodging a request for access.

If we hold information about you and you notify us that the information is not accurate, complete or up-to-date, we will take reasonable steps to correct the information to ensure that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

We will maintain safeguards to protect your information against unauthorised use, disclosure, access, alteration, destruction, and accidental loss using industry standard technology. We have internal policies on privacy and management of personal information and we are committed to training staff to ensure compliance with these policies.

We will conduct periodic internal audits to ensure that our privacy policies are being complied with and remain appropriate and effective.

However, we cannot provide any guarantee with respect to the security of your personal information and we will not be liable for any breach of security or unintended loss or disclosure of information.

Changes to this privacy statement.

We may, from time to time, review, amend and update this Privacy Policy. When this occurs, we will post details of this update on this website. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Statement so you are aware of our latest practices with respect to your information.


Spiro Mirgiannis – General Manager
+61 411 556 314